Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New from KwikSew patterns

Hi Sister Stitchers! Thanks for the invitation to be a guest contributor. Here is something new from Kwik Sew patterns that I thought you might enjoy:
Kwik Sew has added a new feature to their website. Here's the deal: 
KWIK SEW Pattern Company, Inc. announces a new, free web application 
allowing users to experiment with different colour combinations to 
find the perfect colour for a garment or craft. This Colour 
Visualizer; tool enables users to select a colour from the latest 
colour trends or create a colour and apply it to a garment or craft 
photograph or illustration. Now, one can actually see how a specific 
design would look in a wide range of colours, instead of just trying 
to imagine it! 
The Colour Visualizer; tool may be accessed from the KWIK SEW website 
home page. To see how it works, go to 
http://www.kwiksew.com, select a 
pattern that is "Visualizer Enabled" and click on the Colour 
Visualizer; icon. 

OK - so try this: Go to the website and choose pattern number 3612. 
Then click on Colour Visualizer and play with it. Just drag the colors 
from the pallet to play with the bags. Try out the newest color trends like
red, orange and yellow or maybe periwinkle and celery. 

By the way -  I suggested you try pattern 3612 because we are giving this pattern away at the QCNYS show with the purchase of 8 fat quarters - which is exactly what you need to make the bag in View B. The Show is June 13-15 at Driver's Village in Cicero. For more info on that visit http://www.qcnys.org.

Great talking with you!


Calico Gals

1 comment:

Lucelu said...

Thanks Janet! I'm checking this out!
