Friday, May 23, 2008

Oil and Fiber.

International Fiber Collaborative

This is the Nottingham Citgo #53 at 2301 E. Colvin St., Syracuse, NY

The artist is Jennifer Marsh

"The goal of the International Fiber Collaborative is to provide an opportunity for people who enjoy working with crafts, whether professional artists, hobbyists, or students to come together from all over the world to express their concerns about their countries extreme dependency on oil for energy."

Me and my galpal were driving along doing errands together and saw this. We had just missed the opening by a few days and I felt regret at not knowing about it before because I certainly would have wanted to participate with our guild. However, I walked around the building looking at all the panels, They were something to see. There was all types. Recycled sweaters sewn together, plastic bags and packaging woven into intricate designs, panels that were like posters proclaiming their purpose, some squares with community organizations embroidered upon them and some were just plain art work together producing a large piece of art that is guaranteed to be keeping the building warm and reminding us of just how important every decision has become--macro or micro. I did actually participate. Drivers at the stoplight were calling out to me asking "what is this?" I was able to tell them and pass out postcards. Well played.

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