Friday, May 23, 2008

Sew-er's Retreat

This is not Skaneateles Lake because I have No Pics of it. But I figure that Green Lakes should do as well...
Here is the link: Stella Maris

The retreat this year is at Stella Maris Retreat in Skaneateles. If you click on the link, you will see some gorgeous pictures of the facilities. Look at the picture to the far right, the one with the room with windows all along the wall looking out on the lake. That's where they will all be sewing.

We have 17 signed up and it looks like you will all have a really good time! This retreat is May 29, 30, 31. I don't know if they will take any stragglers, but you might want to contact Pat Strempel, our 2nd Vice President and Programming Chair at pat28@aol dot com and try your best groveling and begging. She might have mercy, but then again...

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