Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Shiny Happy People Part 2

Welcome back Gentle Reader, if you have continued with my short series you have proved to be a determined goal oriented personality, one who is sure to be admired.

The very best part of central NY, one in which is its best kept secret, is our people. I can think of no other better example than the people in our sewing community.

This morning, I find this in my inbox:

Subject: Important: Nadine's 2009 Business Plan Announcement
I just love this time of the year...especially this year! Those of you who know me, know I will never buy into any doom or gloom...I quite simply refuse. And it's not a 'head in the sand''s a creative approach really.

As talk show host Rick Gary from NewsChannel 9 put it to me a few years back, he referred to me on the air as the MacGyver of creativity...those of you who remember this tv series, this man could make a winter coat out of rubberbands, a found tube of caulk and tissue paper rolls. Those of you who know Rick, know he is very creative in his own right.

If this came from a fellow sew-er I might have been a bit offended about the implication but coming from a man, I took this as quite a rather large compliment. Those of you who know me, know I run my creative business the same way. Often in classes and clubs we take a pile of paint buckets, some leftover fabric strips and an iron and make a wallhanging that would make any guild member turn their heads!

Seems like many in business today are gearing up for a bit of an 'unknown' in 2009...I am gearing up for a fabulous upcoming year! For years (15 to be exact) you have all supported me and my business, encouraged me when I came up with new ideas, visited us during promotions, store events and have followed us from Fayetteville to Fairmount and back to the east...and as many tighten their belt notches, I intend to extend mine.

It is important to me personally to continue to create, share and inspire no matter what is going on in the stock market or repeatedly run by news media. This industry has proven one major thing for sure in the last 60 years... in good times, people sew and in bad times, people sew. Make no mistake, in the last 3 months we have all been thinking but somehow sitting behind a machine creating, quilting or embroidering takes us to a different dimension of sorts. Imagine what one piece of cloth cut up in pieces and a single stitched seam can do for our mind, body and soul?!

2009 Business's about US giving back to YOU.
The tailend of 2008 has been quite successful for us and I appreciate your business more than this email could express...As we approach the upcoming year, there is only one thing I'm buying into and one thing only...the importance of time together, giving of ourselves and sharing. Sounds a bit story book but here's my big 2009 business plan: KreativeKindness...I intend on offering you a regular schedule of FREE creative classes and a place for you to come by for regular jolts of inspiration, positive thinking and kreativity!

It wont matter what machine you own or what your skill level is...Our small shop will be positively busting at the seams with new projects and an awareness to create with your stash, try new things and think outside the box a's the only cost to you ladies: you have to pass on an act of "KreativeKindness" to someone else.

Your fee for these free workshops is quite simply returning the gesture in some way to someone else. Pass on an act of random kindness: teach someone a new project, share an idea, give a project you've made to someone you haven't met yet, sign up to teach a free class with us or come by and visit with the group.

Sew-ers have been given such an incredible talent and opportunity to overcome through creative venues, share with others and be part of such an inspiring I'm pulling out the duct tape, cheese cloth and the rusty window screen and getting busy for 2009...we hope you will pencil in these classes in your 2009 calender!

Be on the lookout for another incredible announcement coming in your email box and home mail boxes soon! Yahoo!

Watch for the upcoming KreativeKindness class schedule...arriving in your email box just after the Christmas holiday!

Wishing you a joyous and blessed holiday season! -Nadine & Family

She has a blog at:, this is listed on our "Links you can Use." I will soon be starting a blogroll feature here on Syracuse Seamsters that will feature our local blogs so we can all transmit this kind of optimism and happiness to each other.

I honestly feel that creativity, our expressions of it transmit happiness to others. We get excited about our projects and how we can adapt other's projects making changes and making them our own. It opens us up to possibilities. When I talk to Nadine, she has infectious enthusiasm. You know that feeling I am talking about. You get it talking with other individuals here and at Expos and classes. You feel it at the solar plexus and it helps to inspire you, it raises you above all your daily barriers to create. Suddenly it seems silly that we let those stop us. We are so lucky to have this kind of dynamism and we have it in spades here in our sewing community.

Nadine is but one of our Shiny Happy People here. We have many. Please. Gentle Reader, be prepared for another.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

Thanks so much for your kind words and returned too are an inspiration! It really is about us giving back and sewing gives us the perfect outlet to deal, heal and help heal, inspire and share. Let us not waste this incredible talent we've been given!
Spend 2009 creating outside your box a bit, teaching a new project, sharing your passion...and despite what your mom told you, run with scissors! (Just a figure of speech, but I think you get my meaning!) And don't wait 'til you're old to wear purple!