Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fab News--Poore Fabrics coming soon!

I talked to Cheryl Costa last week and was informed that her partner (Linda Poore) will be opening her shop in the beginning of August. Part of me wants to say August 1 but August 2 is also jumping up and down, waving it's arms yelling Me!Me! Pick Me! so I thought I'd honor it if only to stop the nagging. Anyhow, if they Grand Open on August 1, they certainly will be open on August 2.

This FAB EVENT will occur in the Delavan Art Gallery on West Fayette St.-- (not in the actual art gallery-- but the same building).

Anyhow, they are looking for some ahem! mature, sewing experienced women who might like to work a few afternoons each week to assist Linda. She is an amazingly talented, intelligent, warm and versatile lady, however, she still has yet to clone herself! So she needs a bit of help! Interested parties may stop by or contact dragonladymedia@aol.com-- there will be more info in the next guild chapter newsletter.

I cannot wait!!!!!

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